...丁网 ned stimulus,CS) :通过学习,能引起原本只有无条件刺激才能引起 的反应的中性刺激也 条件反应(conditioned response,CR) :由条件刺激单独引发的反应 经典条件反射就是将中性刺激最终变为条件刺激的程序 3 形成条件反射后,...
...和条件刺激 (Conditioned Stimulus, CS); 反射分为无条件反射 (Unconditioned Response, UR) 和条件反射(Conditioned Response)。 一、联想学习理论 经典性条件反射 无条件刺激(US)和无条件反射(UR) 的关系是本能的。
而上述这样的「二择一行为反馈陷阱,他的本质其实就是行为心理学当中的制约反应(conditioned response):用「花钱的痛与「被告的烦作为双重的制约刺激,从两个面向逼迫企业自己选择一个不利的结果,最后自己挖洞跳进去。
...丁网 ned stimulus,CS) :通过学习,能引起原本只有无条件刺激才能引起 的反应的中性刺激也 条件反应(conditioned response,CR) :由条件刺激单独引发的反应 经典条件反射就是将中性刺激最终变为条件刺激的程序 3 形成条件反射后,...
delayed conditioned response 延迟条件反应
anticipatory conditioned response 先期条件反应
conditioned response detail 制约反应
extinction conditioned response 条件反应消退
conditioned emotional response 条件性情绪反应 ; 情绪反应 ; 情绪的条件作用
conditioned avoidance response 条件性回避反应
conditioned escape response 条件性逃脱反应
同义词: conditional reflex conditioned reflex acquired reflex conditional reaction conditioned reaction conditional response
以上来源于: WordNet
N a response that is transferred from the second to the first of a pair of stimuli. A well-known Pavlovian example is salivation by a dog when it hears a bell ring, because food has always been presented when the bell has been rung previously 条件反射 (Also called (esp formerly) conditioned reflex) [psychol] → see also classical conditioning, unconditioned response
Other researchers protested that the opt-out response was simply a learned or conditioned response.
This is evidence that it wasn't a conditioned response, because that response didn't guarantee a faster reward.
What would be the conditioned response? Fear. Excellent.
But what happens through learning is that another association develops that between the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response.
Through the simple tools of classical conditioning then, the shoe becomes a conditioned stimulus giving rise to the conditioned response of sexual pleasure.
And now it's known as the conditioned stimulus giving rise to the conditioned response.